Microsoft Windows Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO417)

$4,700.00 USD

5 Days


Delivery Methods
Virtual Instructor Led
Private Group

Course Overview

Learn how to automate administration on Windows Server to enable your DevOps workflow

Microsoft Windows Automation with Red Hat Ansible (DO417) is designed for Windows Server professionals without previous Ansible® experience. You will use Ansible to write automation playbooks for Microsoft Windows systems to perform common system administration tasks reproducibly at scale. You will also learn to use Red Hat® Ansible Tower to securely manage and run your Ansible playbooks from a central web-based user interface.

This course is based on Red Hat Ansible Engine 2.8, Red Hat Ansible Tower 3.5, and Windows Server 2016 and 2019.

Course Objectives

  • Configure Microsoft Windows systems to be managed with Ansible.
  • Create and manage inventories of managed hosts and provide credentials to manage them to Red Hat Ansible Tower.
  • Write Ansible playbooks to consistently automate multiple tasks and apply them to managed hosts.
  • Run individual ad hoc automation tasks and complex playbooks from Red Hat Ansible Tower.
  • Create survey forms in Red Hat Ansible Tower to simplify playbook operation.
  • Parameterize playbooks using variables and facts.
  • Write and reuse existing Ansible roles to simplify playbook creation and reuse code.
  • Leverage existing PowerShell DSC code to extend the power of Ansible automation.
  • Automate common Windows Server system administration tasks using Ansible.

Who Should Attend?

Windows Server administrators interested in automating management tasks and in using automation tools to implement their DevOps workflow.
  • Top-rated instructors: Our crew of subject matter experts have an average instructor rating of 4.8 out of 5 across thousands of reviews.
  • Authorized content: We maintain more than 35 Authorized Training Partnerships with the top players in tech, ensuring your course materials contain the most relevant and up-to date information.
  • Interactive classroom participation: Our virtual training includes live lectures, demonstrations and virtual labs that allow you to participate in discussions with your instructor and fellow classmates to get real-time feedback.
  • Post Class Resources: Review your class content, catch up on any material you may have missed or perfect your new skills with access to resources after your course is complete.
  • Private Group Training: Let our world-class instructors deliver exclusive training courses just for your employees. Our private group training is designed to promote your team’s shared growth and skill development.
  • Tailored Training Solutions: Our subject matter experts can customize the class to specifically address the unique goals of your team.

Course Prerequisites

You are expected to have experience as Windows Server administrators, but no previous experience with Red Hat Ansible Automation or Linux® is required.


1 - Introduction to Red Hat Ansible Automation

2 - Run simple automation commands

3 - Implement Ansible playbooks

4 - Manage variables and facts

5 - Install and update software

6 - Implement task control

7 - Deploy files to managed hosts

8 - Interact with users and domains

9 - Automate Windows automation tasks

10 - Manage large projects

11 - Construct Ansible Tower workflows


Upcoming Class Dates and Times

Feb 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
ENROLL $4,700.00 USD
Mar 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
ENROLL $4,700.00 USD
Apr 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
ENROLL $4,700.00 USD
Apr 28, 29, 30, May 1, 2
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
ENROLL $4,700.00 USD
Jun 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
ENROLL $4,700.00 USD
Jun 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
ENROLL $4,700.00 USD

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