Excel - Beyond the Basics Part Two: Using Conditional Formatting in a Pivot Table

Taylor Karl
Excel - Beyond the Basics Part Two: Using Conditional Formatting in a Pivot Table 23798 0

What Is a PivotTable?

A PivotTable is a data-processing tool used to query, organize, and summarize data or information between spreadsheets, tables, or databases. Drag and drop fields into a PivotTable to use the data as row labels, column labels, or as summarized data.


When to use Conditional Formatting:

Applying specific formatting to cells that meet a certain criterion can help you by highlighting, emphasizing, or differentiating data and information stored in a spreadsheet. Conditional formatting can help call attention to dealings, at-risk tasks, or budget item data points.in addition to calling attention, conditional formatting can also make large data sets easier to understand by breaking up columns of numbers with a visual organizational component. Lastly, conditional formatting can turn your spreadsheet into a notification system that emphasizes key information and keeps you up to date with your workload!

Part Two: Using Conditional Formatting in a PivotTable

Applying Conditional Formatting

  1. Select the cells to be formatted.

  2. Click Home → Styles → Conditional Formatting.

  3. Choose the desired Conditional Formatting. For example, click Highlight Cells Rules → Greater Than.

  4. Type the desired conditional value.

  5. Choose the desired formatting either from the preset list or Custom Format from the drop-down arrow.

  6. Click OK.

  7. The cells that meet the condition will be formatted with the specified formatting.

Editing Conditional Formatting

  1. Select the cells that have Conditional Formatting applied.

  2. Click Home → Styles → Conditional Formatting → Manage Rules. The list of rules appears in the order

    that they are applied.

  3. Click the rule to be edited.

  4. Click Edit Rule.

  5. Make the desired changes and click OK.

  6. Click OK to close the Rules Manager.

TOOL TIP: Conditional Formatting is maintained as PivotTable data is moved. Removing Conditional Formatting

  1. Select the cells that have Conditional Formatting applied.

  2. Click Home → Styles → Conditional Formatting → Clear Rules → Clear Rules from Selected Cells. To

    clear all rules applied to cells in the PivotTable, choose Clear Rules from This PivotTable.

  3. The Conditional Formatting no longer appears.

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