Microsoft's SATV Program to Retire

Taylor Karl
Microsoft's SATV Program to Retire 5542 0


Microsoft Software Assurance Training Voucher (SATV) - Update
Microsoft is updating Software Assurance benefits to ensure Software Assurance stays relevant and useful to customers. With this change in direction, some Software Assurance benefits will be retired or changed to eliminate redundancies and better align Software Assurance benefits across Microsoft’s products and services portfolio. The changes made also simplify benefit redemptions and replace outdated implementation mechanisms. While each customer experience is unique, all customers can benefit from optimizing their business performance through Software Assurance.


Microsoft is investing in new ways to help organizations deploy, train, and get support for the products and services they buy. Because those new ways overlap with some dated and underused Software Assurance benefits, and the redemption process for some benefits is cumbersome and outdated, Microsoft is retiring those overlapping and obsolete benefits.

Why Are Training Vouchers Being Removed?
Customer and market feedback indicated a need for a streamlined learning experience. Microsoft is making significant investments to increase the alignment and quality of training offerings and certifications outside of Software Assurance over time.


When are the SATV Changes Taking Place?
These changes started in February 2020 and will gradually be implemented by January 1, 2022.


June 30th, 2021:
Last day to create or assign new vouchers.


December 31st, 2021:
Last day to redeem training vouchers for existing contracts, retirement of the SATV program.


How Do I Know if My Company Has Microsoft SATVs?

  • Locate your Microsoft Licensing Agreement (Your IT Director or Purchasing department usually has the Licensing Agreement).
  • Identify the Benefits Administrator (BA) named in the Licensing Agreement (The BA is the individual in your company that has the right to access SATV information).
  • Log in to to access your company’s SATV information, such as # of available SATVs, Expiration Date, # of Used SATVs, # of remaining SATVs.


How Do I Determine Who the Volume License Benefits Administrator is at My Company?
You can contact Microsoft Volume Licensing Services: 866-230-0560

How Does My Company Redeem SATVs?

  • Identify the employee that will utilize the SATVs and the number of training days included in the desired class.
  • Activate the SATVs by assigning the appropriate number of SATVs (one for each day of training) to the student.
  • Submit the student’s name and email address, along with the number of vouchers required, on the SATV website.
  • The student will receive an automated email from Microsoft containing an 8-digit code.


How Does My Company Use SATVs to Purchase Training?

  • Contact United Training, an authorized Microsoft Learning Partner, and register for a SATV authorized Microsoft course.
  • Forward the email with the 8-digit code to your Account Representative at United Training.
  • United Training will then redeem the SATV with Microsoft.


What Kind of Training Can Be Redeemed with SATVs?

  • Courses can be delivered online, in the classroom, and even on-site.
  • Choose from technical training in SQL Server, SharePoint, Windows 10, Windows Server, and more.


Do SATVs Expire?

  • Yes, SATVs expire 180 days after they are created.
  • Training Vouchers must be requested before your Software Assurance expires and used within 180 days of being requested.


What courses can I take with a SATV?
Click here to search our eligible SATV courses.


How Long Do Customers Have to Use Their Existing Vouchers?
Customers can continue to redeem any accrued training days as vouchers until January 1, 2022


Where Do Customers Go for Help with Their Training Benefit?
Contact us today to discuss a plan to redeem your vouchers before they expire.


Do You Have More Questions on SATVs?
Check out the SATV resource page for more details.

About Microsoft SATVs
Training vouchers entitle you to receive courses from Microsoft Learning partners such as United Training for a specific number of training days. The number of days granted varies by program and the number of qualifying Office and/or Windows licenses covered with Software Assurance.


The benefits of Software Assurance Training Vouchers include:

  • Employee skill enhancement—Improve productivity with training and support for your IT staff. Prepare your IT staff to deploy, manage, and support new software efficiently.
  • Reduced training costs—Training is already included under the Software Assurance coverage. With SATV, you can provide technical training for your IT Pro and Developer staff without impacting your budget.
  • Learning Partner support— United Training can help create an optimal training strategy for your organization and help you plan the most effective way to use training vouchers.
  • Guaranteed pricing—Microsoft and United Training have set pricing that is included with your Software Assurance coverage. One training voucher day equals one classroom-training day.

