The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Training

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The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Training

Are you currently outsourcing your training? According to Trainingmag, in recent years more instruction/facilitation was outsourced than handled in-house (61% vs 39%). That number is not expected to drop in the coming years as online learning environments become the new norm for L & D departments. Companies are outsourcing their training needs for a number of reasons relating to cost and efficiency. We are going to unpack some of the top benefits of outsourcing your training needs.


Gartner published a report in September of 2021 noting that 64% of IT executives cite talent shortage as the most significant barrier to the adoption of emerging technology compared with only 4% in 2020. With the skills gap impacting several job roles across a variety of industries, finding subject matter experts in your company may prove to be a challenge. Even if you do have an SME on your team, taking time away from their workload to train others can be detrimental to overall productivity. Outsourcing training can offer you subject matter experts who are available and equipped to answer your team's questions and help develop training that is specific to your needs.

Mitigate Risks

Proper training helps minimize risk and the opportunity for system failures. 23% of organizations have no formal compliance training plan at all. Outsourcing to a company that specializes in training can help prevent unnecessary risk and the exorbitant cost of recovering from a system failure.

Outside Perspective

Have you ever asked a peer to review an email or a presentation you created, for a second opinion? Most have, and sometimes you need a different set of eyes for a fresh perspective. The same can be said for your training needs. Outsourcing your training to a company can bring in a new perspective that will keep your team on their toes and help them think about things in a different way. This will help develop your team in ways you never thought possible.


The correlation between efficiency and cost drives most business decisions. The amount of expertise you receive when outsourcing can directly impact productivity and ROI. For example, if your current L&D professionals are already at their workload capacity, adding additional development or preparation time could potentially make them less effective. Poor training experiences waste time and ultimately cost the company more. Outsourcing your training needs can cut costs and keep productivity high.


As we mentioned in our Leadership and Development Trends blog, many industry and HR leaders are looking at 2022 as the year of upskilling. 91% of professionals want training to be personalized and relevantCreating a custom training plan that suits the specific needs and budget requirements of your company is a great strategy to keep your team ahead of the competition. United Learning Services offers over 100 years of combined expertise in the training and development field and is prepared to accelerate your business with fully managed learning and transformation services.

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